Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
Witness the everyday life that unfolds in the streets and public spaces of Ahmedabad through the lens of its citizens, know the markets and local hotspots to explore, hear the stories of people's experiences walking and gathering in different neighbourhoods and engage with the story called Everyday Ahmedabad.
Ask your grandparents
In the first part of this Oral history series, we share conversations with grandparents who were kind enough to agree to talk to us. We asked them about the public places they go to, how they reach there, and how public life has changed over the years. We invite you to listen to their stories!
If you would like some tips on how to interview people about their experiences of public spaces during the pandemic, do send us an email. We’ll be happy to send you an Interview Guide!